
Selection of publications in English language

The complete list of all publications is available at the german webpage.

359 Rudolph, K.-U.; Stolpe, H.; Tang Duc Thang; Trieu Duc Huy; Nestmann, F; Nguyen Nghai Hung; Le Thanh Sang; Nguyen Tien Giang; (2017)
Integrated Solutions for sustainable Development in the Mekong Delta - Land, Water, Energy and Climate
The Third Inernational Workshop, Camau City, 16. May 2017

358 Rudolph, K.-U.; Lackner, S.; Sinn, J.; Zimmermann, M.; Max, J.; Gerlach, M.; Nunner, C.; (2017)
Upgrading Waste Water Treatment Ponds to produce Irrigation Water in Namibia
Water Solutions, Water & Waste Water Technologies, Issue 1/2017, Page 82-85, DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag

357 Rudolph, K.-U.; Bui Duy Cam; (2017)
Triple-Bridging-Approach for our BMF/MOST Water Research Project in Can Tho
German Science Day, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 01. March 2017
Organizer: Federal Ministry of Education and Research GER / Ministry of Science and Technology VN

356 Rudolph, K.-U.; Friedrichs, F.; Bich Hanh Nguyen; Meinardi, D; Genthe, W; Trung, D.Q.; (2017)
Improving the sensitivity of the activated sludge respiration inhibition test and verifying the results using an oxidation-reduction potential electrode
"Water Science & Technology", 75.2 - 2017, IWA Publishing,

355 Rudolph, K.-U.; (2016)
Forfaiting, an Output-Based Component for Sustainable Water Finance
Proceedings of the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2016, Brisbane, Australia, 9. - 13. October 2016

352 Rudolph, K.-U.; Friedrichs, F.; Meinardi, D.; (2016)
Real-time toxicity screening identifies industrial polluters
World Water, September/October 2016, Volume 39, Issue 5, S. 26-29

350 Rudolph, K.-U.; (2016)
Interview: Donor banks should move towards output-based finance
Asian Water, July/August 2016, Vol 32, S. 24-26

349 Rudolph, K.-U.; Friedrichs, F.; Panning, F; Huyen, P.T.; Genthe, W.; Trung, D.Q.; (2016)
Occurence of Nitrification Inhibhition in Vietnam's Industrial Zones
VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology, Vol 32, No. IS (2016) S. 159-168

347 Rudolph, K.-U.; Singh, S.; (2016)
Germany brings integrated wastewater concepts to Vietnam's industrial zones
Asian Water Magazine, January/February 2016, VOL 32 NO 01, page 10-18

346 Rudolph, K.-U.; Weil, S.; Fuchs, L.; (2016)
Solar Radiation - Driver of Innovations in Pond Design and Process Technologies
11th IWA Specialist Group Conference on Wastewater Pond Technology, University of Leeds, March 2016

345.a Rudolph; Kreuter; Friedrichs; Genthe; Haneke; Long Nguyen Van; Meinardi; Mennicken; Panning
I Comprehended Results of AKIZ TP1 - Project Coordination and Management Concept
II Monitoring conceptual design and operation of a laboratory container
III Waste Water Treatment Plant IZ HOA CAM/DA NANG
IV AKIZ - Integrated Wastewater Concepts for Industrial Zones
V Best Practice Guide
VI Client II - Internationale Partnerschaften für nachhaltige Innovationen
Workshop 'Integrated Wastewater Concepts for Industrial Zones' Final Conclusion for Decision Makers, Tagungsband, englische Ausgabe

343 Rudolph, K.-U.; Pham, H. D.; Huynh, V. D.; Friedrichs, F.; Genthe, W.; Long, N. V.; Meinardi, D. (2015)
Monitoring of Wastewater in Real Time using Toxicity Screening for the Technical and Economical Optimization of Wastewater Systems
Water Security in a Changing Era 4th International Symposium & Exhibition (Tagungsband) Vietnam Water Cooperation Initiative (VACI), 2015, page 271-280
342 Rudolph, K.-U.; (2015)
Proceedings 'Workshop on Integrated Wastewater Concept for Industrial Zones' AKIZ
VNU University of Science, Hanoi, December 2015, Tagungsband
341.b Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S.; Meinardi, D.; Long, N. V.; (2015)
Integrated Wastewater Concept for Industrial Zones (AKIZ)
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Ministry of Science and Technology of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (MOST), 4th edition, November 2015, page 25 - 27, ISBN 978-3-00-041141-0
340.b Rudolph; Panning; Genthe; Friedrichs; Kreuter; Meinardi; (2015)
Best Practice Guide for the Development of Integrated Wastewater Concepts for Industrial Zones in Tropical Areas.
AKIZ-Project, IEEM gGmbH sponsored by BMBF and MOST, 1st edition, Nov. 2015
336.a Rudolph, K.-U.; Hilbig, J.; Kalinowski, A.; Paris, St.; (2015)
FuturENVIRO, Nr. 19, April 2015, S. 95 - 98, ISSN 2340-262
Hrsg.: Saguenay, S. L.

334.b) Rudolph, K.-U.; Kalinowski, A.; Paris, S.; Schlapp, C.; Stammer, F.; (2014)
Integrated Water Resource Management
GreenTec - Sustainable Technologies for Water, Air and Waste, Ausgabe 02/2014, Oktober 2014, S. 13 ff.
Hrsg.: Online-Magazin

331 Rudolph, K.-U.; Kluska, A.; Strömer, K. (2013)
German Collaboration to help Indian town reduce Water Losses
Asian Water, November/December 2013, Vol. 29 No. 6, S. 18 - 21, ISSN 0218 4540
Hrsg.: SHP Media Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

328. Rudolph, K.-U. (2013)
IWA-13110 Project Economics of Water Reuse in Context to IWRM - with Cases from Africa, Asia, Europe
Proceedings Book '9th IWA International Conference and Exhibition on WATEREUSE', 27. - 31. Oktober 2013, Windhoek, Namibia, S. 81 - 82
Hrsg.: IWA International Water Association

327.b) Bombeck, M.; Gregarek, D.; Hilbig, J.; Rudolph, K.-U.; (2015)
Integrated Waterresource Management in the "Middle Olifants" project region, South Africa, Focusing on added value for sustainable IWRM implementation
IWRM, 4. revised version, June 2013, p. 63 - 65
Hrsg.: Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research UFZ

326.b) Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S.; Nguyen Van Long; (2015)
AKIZ-joint research project - Integrated wastewater concept for industrial zones illustrated for the Tra Noc Industrial Zone, Vietnam
IWRM, 4. revised version, June 2013, p. 42 - 44
Hrsg.: Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research UFZ

325. Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S.; Genthe, W.; Panning, F.; Friedrichs, F.; Dong, P. H.; Heinrich, R.; Long N. V.; The, N. M. (2013)
Monitoring of Indirect Industrial Dischargers - Development of a Monitoring Strategy and First Results of a Monitoring Survey in the Drainage System of Tra Noc Industrial Zone in Vietnam
Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 51(2) S. 224-232, April 2013, S. 224 - 232, ISSN 0866 7144
Hrsg.: Vietnam Academy of Sience and Technology

324. Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S; Heinrich, R.; Long, N. V. (2013)
AKIZ - A Joint Research Project for the Development of an Integrated Wastewater Concept for Industrial Zones in Vietnam
bluefacts - International Journal of Water-Management, Wasser Berlin International 2013, 23. - 26. April 2013, p. 56 - 59
Publisher: Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH

322. Rudolph, K.-U.;Basse, S.; Bombeck, M.; Poeck, T.; Preiss-Daimler, J.; Schönborn, C. (2013)
Anaerobic treatment of high-salinity wastewater
World Water, Volume 36 / Issue 2, March / April 2013, p. 36 - 39
Publisher: WEF Publishing UK Ltd,

321.b) Rudolph, K.-U. (2013)
Water is and must remain simply water - A commentary by Professor Karl-Ulrich Rudolph on the concessions directive for Water
Remondis Aktuell, Vol. 1/2013, p. 24 - 25
Publisher: REMONDIS AG & Co. KG

320.b) Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S; Heinrich, R.; Long, N. V. (2013)
Integrated Wastewater Concept for Industrial Zones (AKIZ)
Scientific-Technological Cooperation in the Field of Water and Sustainability, Volume 3 February 2013, p. 14 - 16, ISBN 978-3-00-041141-0
Publisher: VD-Office for Water and Sustainability Research

319.a) Rudolph, K.-U.; Long, N. V.; Ha, M.; Cam, b. D.; Nam, N. V.; Genthe, W. (2013)
Methodological and Strategic Requirements for Research in Water and Sustainability - The Example of AKIZ, a Vietnam-German Flagship Project for Industrial Zone Wastewater Management
Journal Science and Technology Policy and Management, Vol. 1 No. 2 2012, February 2013, p. 18 - 28
Publisher: Editorial Board of Journal Science and Technology Policy and Management

317. Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S.; Genthe, W.; Panning, F.; Friedrichs, F.; Heinrich, R.; Long, N. V.; The, N. M. (2012)
Monitoring of Indirect Industrial Dischargers - Development of a Monitoring Strategy and First Results of a Monitoring Survey in the Drainage System of Tra Noc Industrial Zone in Vietnam
"International Conference on Sustainable Concepts for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Industrial Zones Management", in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 10. - 11. October 2012, Proceedings, October 2012, p. 32
Publisher: VNU University of Science in collaboration with IEEM gGmbH at the university of Witten/Herdecke

316.b) Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S.; Bergeron, P.; Haneke, C.; Heinrich, R.; Long, N. V. (2012)
Introduction of wastewater tariffs for indirect industrial dischargers in industrial zones in Vietnam - Experiences from Germany and considerations for the revision of decree 88 in Vietnam
"International Conference on Sustainable Concepts for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Industrial Zones Management", in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 10. - 11. October 2012, Proceedings, October 2012
Publisher: VNU University of Science in collaboration with IEEM gGmbH at the university of Witten / Herdecke

316.a) Rudolph, K.-U.; Kreuter, S.; Bergeron, P.; Haneke, C.; Heinrich, R.; Long, N. V. (2012)
Introduction of wastewater tariffs for indirect industrial dischargers in industrial zones in Vietnam - Experiences from Germany and considerations for the revision of decree 88 in Vietnam
"International Conference on Sustainable Concepts for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Industrial Zones Management", in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 10. - 11. October 2012, Proceedings, October 2012, p. 29
Publisher: VNU University of Science in collaboration with IEEM gGmbH at the university of Witten / Herdecke

315. Rudolph, K.-U.; Gregarek, D.; Bühning, U. (2012)
Plant collaboration for efficient sewage treatment: exploring the potential for integrated wastewater management
water21, Magazine of the International Water Association, June 2012, p. 43 - 45, ISSN 1561-9508
Publisher: Michael Dunn

314. Rudolph, K.-U. (2011)
The Contribution of Water Technology to Job Creation and Development of Enterprises UN-Water International Conference "Water in the Green Economy in Practice: Towards Rio+20" in Zaragoza, Spain, Ebro River Basin Authority (CHE), on 03. - 05. October 2011, Knowledge Series No. 8, February 2012, chapter 2 "Introduction", p. 11-18
Publisher: UNW-DPC

313 Rudolph, K.-U.; Fuhrmann, T. (2011)
UV Disinfection of Only Partially Pre-clarified Wastewater for Irrigation Purposes
International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment 2011 at the Auditorium of the American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, on 14. - 17. November 2011, Proceedings, February 2012, p. 286-290
Publisher: AUS American University of Sharjah, UAEU United Arab Emirates University

312 Rudolph, K.-U.; Fuhrmann, T.; Kreuter, S.; Paris, St. (2011)
Decentralized Sewage Reuse for Irrigation Purposes
International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment 2011 at the Auditorium of the American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, on 14. - 17. November 2011, Proceedings, February 2012, p. 279-285
Publisher: AUS American University of Sharjah, UAEU United Arab Emirates University

311 Rudolph, K.-U.; Gregarek, D. (2011)
Water Franchise: Sustainable Financing and Operation of Water Efficiency
3rd Indo-German Conference on Research for Sustainability "Water and Waste Management" at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India on 03. - 04. February 2011, Proceedings, at the end of 2011, p. 65-69
Publisher: BMBF, Department of Science and Technology, Delhi, International Bureau BMBF, United Nations University

310. Rudolph, K.-U. (2011)
Research on Water Management Technologies in Germany
3rd Indo-German Conference on Research for Sustainability "Water and Waste Management" at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India on 03. - 04. February 2011, Proceedings, at the end of 2011, p. 27-31
Publisher: BMBF, Department of Science and Technology, Delhi, International Bureau BMBF, United Nations University

309. Rudolph, K.-U.; Harbach, M.; Block, Th. (2011)
A business driven approach for sustainable IWRM and local economic development
International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management- Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives on 12. - 13. October 2011 in the Maritim Hotel & International Congress Center Dresden
Publisher: FONA, BMBF

308. Rudolph, K.-U.; Bombeck, M.; Harbach, M. (2011)
Interlinked Hydrological and Economic Modeling to Support Integrated Water Resources Management
International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management- Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives on 12. - 13. October 2011 in the Maritim Hotel & International Congress Center Dresden
Publisher: FONA, BMBF

306. Rudolph, K.-U. (2011)
Case 3: The Contribution of Water Technology to Job Creation and Development of Enterprises
UNW-DPC's CAPACITY POOL, Quarterly magazine from the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development, Issue No. 13, 2011, p. 31-33
Publisher: UNW-DPC

305. Rudolph, K.-U. (2011)
Valuing Water as a Resource and as a Utility
asian WATER, Vol. 27, No. 5, June 2011, p. 9-28, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Media Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

304.b Rudolph, K.-U. et al (2011)
Capacity Development for Drinking Water Loss Reduction: Challenges and Experiences
Chapter II (p. 47-80) and III (p. 115-130) of the above-mentioned book, March 2011, ISBN 978-3-940061-51-5
Publisher: UNW-DPC

304.a Rudolph, K.-U.; AArdakanian, R.; Sewilam, H. (2011)
Capacity Development for Drinking Water Loss Reduction: Challenges and Experiences
Book launch as part of the information forum Réduction Pertes en Eau (RPE) on 23 February 2011 at the Centre des Métiers de l'Eau in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in Proceedings of Regional Workshops on Water Loss Reduction in Africa, chapter 3.2.2 (Launch of new Capacity Development Book and trilingual DVD on "Reducing Water Loss in Cities Around the World"), p. 41 - 42, February 2011, Proceedings Series No. 7
Publisher: UNW-DPC

303. Rudolph, K.-U. (2011)
German and Vietnamese Universities to Build a Doctorate Network in Water Engineering and Management
ITB info service, Berichterstattung zur Forschungs-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik weltweit, Südostasien - Forschungs- und Innovationsregion der Zukunft?, 3. Vol. 01/11, 14. January 2011, p. 35-36,
ISBN 978-3-942814-60-7
Publisher: VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, International Bureau of the BMBF

300. Rudolph, K.-U.; Bombeck, M.; Harbach, M. (2010)
Integrated Water Resources Management in South Africa - Maximizing Water Efficiency by Interlinking Hydrological and Economic Modelling
IWRM Karlsruhe 2010, 24. - 25. November 2010, p. 92-99, ISBN 978-3-86644-545-1
Publisher: Fraunhofer IOSB, KMK Karlsruhe - Messen und Kongresse

296.b Rudolph, K.-U. (2010)
Great Demand, Divergent Markets
politiX - Fakten und Hintergründe zur Chemie,
Vol. 1/2010, April/May 2010, p. 7
Publisher: LANXESS AG, Leverkusen

295. Rudolph, K.-U.; Harbach, M. (2010)
Speaking the same language
World Water, Vol. 33, Issue 2, March/April 2010, p.24-26, ISSN 1354-313X
Publisher: WEF Publishing UK London Ltd.

294. Rudolph, K.-U. (2010)
Economic aspects of drinking water loss reduction within integrated urban water management
3rd ACWUA Best Practice Conference "Non-Revenue Water Management in the Arab Region - Solutions for Drinking Water Loss Reduction, 20. - 21. January 2010, Rabat, Morocco, UNW-DPC Publication Series, Proceedings No. 5, p. 137 - 142
Publisher: UNW-DPC, Bonn

293. Rudolph, K.-U. (2009)
Sewage Harvesting for Urban Green Irrigation
5th IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water, 25. - 28. October 2009, Sydney, Australien, Efficient2009 Proceedings and Abstracts, p. 66
Publisher: AWA Australian Water Association

290. Rudolph, K.-U.; Harbach, M. (2009)
Water Franchise - The Local Solution for Global Problems, Challenging Water Utilities and Water Industry Worldwide
bbr Innovative Solutions - German Water Management,
Vol. 03/2009, p. 8-11
Publisher: wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH

289. Rudolph, K.-U. (2009)
Will the Global Financial Crisis affect the Water Sector?
asian Water, Vol. 25, No. 1, January/February 2009, p. 26-27, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Media Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

287. Rudolph, K.-U.; Gregarek, D. (2008)
Franchise System for Water Projects in Vietnam?
asian WATER, Vol. 24, No. 10, December 2008, p.29-32, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Media Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

285. Harbach, M; Rudolph, K.-U. (2008)
Franchising could profit local water expertise, economy
world water and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 31, Issue 5, September/October 2008,
p. 18-21, ISSN 1354-313X
Publisher: WEF Publishing UK Ltd, London

283. Rudolph, K.-U. (2008)
Economic Aspects for Water Loss Reduction
International Workshop on Drinking Water Loss Reduction. Developing Capacity for Applying Solutions, 03.-05. September 2008, United Nations University, UN Campus Bonn, p. 31-35
Publisher: UNW-DPC, Bonn

282. Rudolph, K.-U. (2008)
Can Germany's Bitterfeld provide a road map for Asian industrial parks?
asian WATER, Vol. 24, No. 2, March 2008, p. 28-30, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Media Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

281. Rudolph, K.-U. (2007)
An Outline of Some EU-Asia Projects
asian WATER, Vol. 23, No. 10, December 2007, p. 20-21, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Syed Hussain Publications SDN BHD, Malaysia

280. Rudolph, K.-U. (2007)
Better coordination is needed in EU-Asia partnerships - Prof Rudolph
asian WATER, Vol. 23, No. 10, December 2007, p.18-19, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Syed Hussain Publications SDN BHD, Malaysia

279. Rudolph, K.-U. (2007)
FRANCHISE - A new Approach for Financing and Implementation of Sustainable Solutions for Water and Sanitation
International Symposium "Water Supply and Sanitation for All", 27.-28. September 2007, Europe Hall in Berching, Tagungsband, p.179-190, ISSN 1476-1785,
ISBN 13978-1-84339-514-0
Publisher and Organiser: Hans Huber AG

278. Rudolph, K.-U.; Harbach, M. (2007)
Private Sector Participation in Water and Sanitation for Developing Countries
CESifo DICE REPORT - Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 2007
p. 33-39, ISSN 1612-0663
Publisher: Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V., Munich

276. Rudolph, K.-U.; Gregarek, D.; Harbach, M. (2007)
Private Sector Participation in Europe and South East Asia: Past, Present and Future Developments
EAEPE und PRESOM / EU, 22./23. March 2007, Delft, Netherlands, released on
Publisher: Delft University of Technology

275.b Rudolph, K.-U.; Harbach, M. (2006)
Reasonable Waste Water Charges with PPPs Despite VAT
p-newsletter (ppp, privatisierung, pfi), No. 7, October 2006, p. 5
Publisher: CMS Hasche Sigle in collaboration with F.A.Z.-Institute, Berlin

274. Rudolph, K.-U.; Harbach, M. (2006)
Franchising, Operation & Maintenance - Achieving Competition in the Water Market
5th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research "Sustainable European Infrastructure Financing under the Conditions of Competition, Environmental Concerns, and EU-Enlargement", 06.-07. October 2006, TU Berlin, released on

273. Fuhrmann, T.; Rudolph, K.-U. (2006)
Future Potentials of Wastewater Pond Systems
7th IWA Specialist Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, 25.-27. September 2006, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, in: "Proceedings of Abstracts", p. 88-89
Publisher: IWA, AIT

272. Rudolph, K.-U.; Lüchtenborg, P. (2006)
Practical Experience with Downstream Fixed-Bed Biofiltration at Nordhorn Treatment Works
Extract from the publication No. 269, released on (CSA Illumina), August 2006

270. Rudolph, K.-U. (2006)
PSP in Water and Sanitation: Experiences and Perspectives for EU and Asia
EAP³N-Workshops "Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development - An International Perspective",
15.-16. February 2006 in Chennai, India
Publisher: Bauhaus University Weimar

266.b Rudolph, K.-U. (2005)
Sewage Treatment Plants: Cost-efficient treatment (N-reduction) of sludge liquors by floating bio-discs (FBD)
NRW Referenzen Wasserforschung - Projekte, Technologien, Institutionen,
April 2005, p. 26-27
Publisher: Wasserwirtschaftsinitiative North Rhine-Westphalia (WWI NRW)

265. Rudolph, K.-U. (2005)
Enhancement of Biological Wastewater Purification with Lamella Separators
asianWater, Vol. 21, No. 2, March 2005, p. 16-18, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: Syed Hussain Publications SDN BHD, Malaysia

260. Rudolph, K.-U. (2004)
The German System of Wastewater Treatment - A System for the World?
DeSa/R-Symposium, 14. July 2004, Europe Hall in Berching, p. 21-43
Publisher: Hans Huber AG, Berching

259. Rudolph, K.-U. (2004)
Organisational Structures, Costs and Fees
World Water Council - 3rd World Water Forum, 03. February 2004 in Otsu City, Japan, chapter 6, p.89-112
Publisher: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Tokyo

258.b Rudolph, K.-U. (2003)
PPP for the community infrastructure - Using water/waste water as an example
CPI Concrete Plant International on the occasion of the 3rd CPI Congress,
28.-30. October 2003, Maritim Hotel Bonn, p. 214-221, ISSN 0944-9043
Publisher: Gerhard Klöckner, CPI Concrete Plant International, Cologne

256. Rudolph, K.-U.; Nakazoto, T. (2002)
The Present and Future of Membrane Technologies
asian Water - Asia's Leading Monthly on Water & Wastewater, Pumps, Valves and Filtration Technology, Vol. 18, No. 8, October 2002, p. 20-23, ISSN 0218-4540
Publisher: SHP Seyd Hussain Publications SDN BHD, Malaysia

255. Rudolph, K.-U. (2002)
Alternative Water Systems - Fields of Application and Perspectives
Water - The Essence of Life, But Elusive to Man, Huber Technology celebrating the 60th birthday of Dipl.-Ing. Hans G. Huber, 26. September 2002, Berichte aus Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, Berichtsheft No. 174, p. 49-62, ISSN 0942-914X
Publisher: TU Munich

252. Rudolph, K.-U.; Nakazoto, T. (2002)
Membrane Technologies and Alternative Water Systems - Current Status and Future Perspectives
12th European Water, Wastewater and Waste Symposium within the frame of IFAT, 13.-17. May 2002, Munich, p. 7-21, ISBN 3-935669-84-4
Publisher: ATV-DVWK, Hennef

249. Rudolph, K.-U.; Schäfer, D. (2002)
German Ministry of Research presenting Survey Report about AWS - Alternative Water Systems
Newsletter der IWA Specialist Group on Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse, January 2002, p. 13-16
Publisher: IWA Specialist Group on Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse

243.b Rudoplh, K.-U.; Schäfer, D. (2001)
International Survey on Alternative Water Systems - Extended Summary
Composition of the study within the frame of the BMBF research project
no. 02WA0074 in co-operation with the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and the Research Centre Karlsruhe, 1st issue, October 2001
Publisher: Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Research Centre Karlsruhe

242.b Rudolph, K.-U.; Block. Th. (2001)
The German Water Sector - Policies and Experiences -
Scientific documentation in cooperation with Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Federal Environmental Agency, 1st edition, Oct. 2001, ISBN 3-934898-27-0
Publisher: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Federal Environmental Agency

237. Rudolph, K.-U. (2001)
Private Sector Participation in Water Services: Experiences in Germany
Newsletter of the IWA Specialist Group on Management and Institutional Affairs, April 2001, p. 12-18
Publisher.: International Water Association (IWA)

236.a Rudolph, K.-U. (2000)
Ten years after Experiences from BOX and PPPs in the German water sector and lessons for the future
Internationale Fachmesse Wasser, Kongress Wasser Berlin 2000, 25. October 2000, Berlin

235. Rudolph, K.-U. (2000)
Potentials of alternative water systems from the economical point of view
ecosan - closing the loop in wastewater management and sanitation, Proceedings of the International Symposium, 30.-31. October 2000, Bonn, p. 178-186
Publisher: German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn

231. Rudolph, K.-U. (2000)
The Range of Performance Offered by the German Water Sector
water 2000 plus, April 2000, p. 12-21
Publisher: ITUT

224. Rudolph, K.-U. (1999)
Strategies for small and medium sized sanitation utilities
Public-Private Partnerships for Urban Environmental Services, New Approaches in Development Assistance

originally lecture [No. 138] for European Conference in Bonn, 09./10. November 1999

221. Rudolph, K.-U. (1999)
Appropriate Water Solutions Engineering and Financing through public private partnership
4th German-Iranian Symposium for Water and Wastewater, Teheran, 10.-11. October 1999, translated into Arabian language
Publisher: Iranian engineering company for water supply and sanitation of the Department of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Technology and Transport of North Rhine-Westphalia

218. Pommepuy, M.; Rudolph, K.-U. (1999)
Comparative evaluation of UV, O3 and PAA for waste water disinfection
European Water Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, June 1999, p. 44-50, ISSN 1461-6971
Publisher: EWPCA - European Water Pollution Control Association

213.b Rudolph, K.-U.; Kraemer, A. (1999)
Sewerage charges: a European comparison
European Water Management, Vol. 2, No. 5, October 1999, p. 39-42, ISSN 1461-6971
Publisher: EWA - European Water Association

213.a Rudolph, K.-U. (1999)
Sewerage charges: a European comparison
Water Quality International, March/April 1999, p. 9, ISSN 0892-211X
Publisher: IAWQ

211. Rudolph, K.-U. (1999)
A low-cost approach to tackling odours
Water Quality International, January/February 1999, p. 28-31, ISSN 0892-211X
Publisher: IAWQ

204. Fachautoren, u.a. K.-U. Rudolph (1998)
Comparative evaluation of new techniques for wastewater disinfection
Report about EU-Project NEWTECH, February 1998, ISSN 1279-8339,
ISBN 2-905434-86-4
Publisher: IFREMER, Plouzan, France

201. Rudolph, K.-U. (1997)
Evaluation of Water Projects with Impact to Coastal Areas
transdisciplinary Euroconference "Coastal Management Research", 06.-10. December 1997, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, p. 77-81
Publsiher: National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ

198.b Rudolph, K.-U.; Meinhard, Ch. (1997)
Projects in Zwickau and Dortmund show possibilities and problems
Urban Ecology - Reports from Ecological Research, 1997, p. 20-21
Publisher: GSF-Research Centre for Environment and Health, Munich

187. Rudolph, K.-U. (1995)
Biological Effluent Treatment - The Situation in Germany
Biological Methods of Water Treatment, 13.-15. December 1995, Anna University, Madras/Indien, p. 33-45
Publisher: Max Mueller Bhavan Madras (Branch of the Goethe-Institute, Munich)

155. Rudolph, K.-U. (1994)
Private sector serves a public need in Germany
Water & Wastewater International, Vol. 9, Issue 1, February 1994, p. 52+59
Publisher: MacDonald Communications, Inc., Peter Bryant

129. Rudolph, K.-U.; Nelle, Th.; Oberg, Ch. (1992)
Disinfection of Wastewater by ultraviolet-irradiation and Ozonation
Joint German-Israeli Workshop on Water Technology, 15.-16. September 1992
Publisher: Ministry of Science and Technology, National Council for Research and Development, Nuclear Research Centre Karlsruhe

123. Wellnitz, J.; Rudolph, K.-U. (1991)
Water Quality Control - Problems Today and Long Term Perspectives
geotechnica, 18.-21. September 1991, Cologne, p. 253-254, ISBN 3-9802867-0-3
Publisher: Alfred Wegener Foundation for the Advancement of Geosciences

82. Robel, W.; Rudolph, K.-U. (1988)
Environmental Aspects of Sludge Incineration (Overview)
Aquatech '88: EWPCA/CEC-Conference on Sewage and Sludge Treatment and Use, Session V: Sludge Incineration, 19.-23. September 1988, Amsterdam

79. Rudolph, K.-U. (1988)
Treatment Technologies for Seepage Waters (Leachate) from Waste Disposal - Standards, Results of Operation and Cost
4th German-Japanese Workshop "Wastewater", 03.-05. October 1988, Karlsruhe
Publisher: Nuclear Research Centre Karlsruhe

73. Rudolph, K.-U. (1988)
The Privatization of Sewage Treatment - Ideas and Experiences
Polmet 88, 28. November - 02. December 1988, Hong Kong
Publisher: The Hong Kong Government Environmental Pollution Advisory Committee (EPCOM), The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

66.b Rudolph, K.-U. (1988)
Treatment of Leachate from Landfill Sites - Standards, Results of Operation and Cost
2nd International TNO/BMFT-Conference on Contaminated Soil, 11.-15. April 1988, Hamburg
Publisher: Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Environmental Protection Agency of Hamburg

59. Rudolph, K.-U. (1987)
A Step by Step Program for River Pollution Management
International Symposium on River Pollution Control and Management, of the Chinese National Committee of International Association of Water Pollution Research & Control (IAWPRC), 26.-29. October 1987, Shanghai, China, p. 69
Publisher: Shanghai Association for Science & Technology, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Environmental Protection, Shanghai Society of Environmental Sciences

52. Rudolph, K.-U. (1986)
Seasonally Differentiated Power Station Cooling
Civil Engineering Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, September 1986, p. 155-163

49. Rudolph, K.-U. (1986)
Odour Emissions and their Prevention in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
The 3rd Japanese-German Workshop on Wastewater and Sludge Treatment,
Public Works Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction
29.-30. September 1986, Tsukuba, Ibaraken, Japan, p. 2-17

48. Tegtmeier, U.; Rudolph, K.-U.; Schultz, G. A. (1986)
Economic Evaluation of the Effects of a Dam Rise
International UNESCO Symposium "Decision Making in Water Resources Planning",
05.-07. May 1986, Oslo, Norway

40. Rudolph, K.-U. (1985)
Recovering Valuable Substances in Food Industry - Three Case Studies
4. International Symposium on Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation,
18.-20. Sept. 1985, Cracow, p. 311-321
Publisher: Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Technical University Cracow

37. Rudolph, K.-U. (1984)
Combination of Activated Sludge and Fixed Film Reactors in Floating Bed Systems
2nd Japanese-German Workshop on New Technologies for Infrastructure,
Publisher: MITI & BMFT, 04. October 1984, Karlsruhe

30. Rudolph, K.-U. (1982)
New Technologies for Old Purification Systems - Recuperating Energy in Existing Sewage Treatment Plants
OECD-Conference on "Energy and Economics of Water Treatment",
25.-29. October 1982, Madrid
Publisher: DECHEMA

18. Rudolph, K.-U. (1981)
Pollution of the Northern Sea: Loading and Sources
Water Pollution Control, Vol. 80, 1981, p. 541-546
Publisher: The Institute of Water Pollution Control, Maidstone, Kent

15. Rudolph, K.-U. (1981)
Pollution of the Northern Sea from Wastewater, Dumping, Shipping, Off-Shore-Activities and from the Atmosphere
Second International Environment and Safety Conference,
London, 02.-04. September 1981, abridged version published in "International Environment & Safety", August 1981, p. 32
Publisher: Labmate Ltd., England